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    Check out our system for requesting an appointment with your Student Services Counsellor:

    To book an appointment with a Guidance Counsellor, please click the corresponding link:

    Mr. J. Kunder (A - D) 

    Mr. A. Michailidis (E - MORA)

    Ms. V. Favento (MORR - Z)








    Mental Health Supports for Students, Families, and Employees. 

    The mental and physical health, well-being, and safety of our students, families, and employees is our utmost importance. Please see this link for mental health and well-being supports. Click on this link.

    Mental Health and Well-Being Supports



    Please click on the link below to read daily announcements:

    Announcement Link

    Updated 2024-25 School Year Calendar 


    © 2023 , 1040 Oxford Street West, London . Tel. 519-452-2750, Fax 519-452-2769, oakridge@tvdsb.ca   Superintendent: J. Bruce,  Trustees: B. Mai, S. Moore