Code of Conduct




Teachers and staff, in partnership with the community, provide all students with learning opportunities that enable them to develop the knowledge, skills, and values to become positive, responsible, and contributing members of a global society.


The Oakridge Code of Conduct has been developed in accordance with Ministry of Education guidelines and the Thames Valley District School Board of Education policy statements. It has also been endorsed by Oakridge School Council, teaching staff, and Student Parliament.


 Academic Honesty

• Complete all course assignments, assessments, and evaluations on their own unless otherwise instructed by their teacher.
• Cite another person’s words or ideas to avoid plagiarizing. 


• Come to class with the appropriate book(s) and other necessary materials.
• Submit assignments on the due date and to study for tests, examinations, and final evaluations. Assignments submitted late might lead to lower marks because the student loses the opportunity to receive timely, descriptive feedback.
• Extensions are to be negotiated in advance of a due date, not on the day, or after, the assignment is due.
• Come to class on all assessment and evaluation days unless attending a school sanctioned event.
• Work that is not completed and submitted for evaluation may receive a mark of zero.
• Complete homework. Homework may involve projects, assignments, independent study, and review of notes. Students must organize and prioritize their time to meet the workload for each course.

 Attendance and Punctuality

• Attend class on time and prepared to learn.
• When possible, schedule appointments and vacations outside of school time.
• Have a parent/guardian notify the school, on or before the next day back to verify an absence.
• Understand that all unauthorized absences are considered to be truancies (“skipping”) and consequences will be assigned.
• Missing a class to complete assignments for another course is considered an unauthorized absence.


• Attend all scheduled assemblies. Books/bags are to be left in their locked classroom and students are to proceed to the designated location when called by the office. Students are not permitted to go to their lockers prior to an assembly.
• Demonstrate respectful behaviour during all assemblies.


• Consume food and drinks in the cafeteria or atrium and put all waste and recyclables in the appropriate receptacles. Keep floors and tables clean.
• Teachers use their discretion to allow food or drink in classrooms.

 Mobile Devices (Cell Phones, Cameras, laptops etc.)

• Power off and put away hand-held devices during instructional time unless instructed by a classroom teacher to use the device for an educational purpose related to course curriculum.
• Understand how to use Social Media and texting in a positive, responsible way so it has a positive effect on school climate and does NOT distract student learning.

 Class Start and End Time

• Attend all classes on time. Class start time is signaled by the school bell. Times are posted in the school calendar.
• Be dismissed by the classroom teacher and not the bell.
• Remain in their class for the entire period. Classes are not released early.

 Computer, Media Use, and

• Sign a Computer/Media Usage Agreement before they are given access to a computer account. The agreement outlines user fees, responsible use requirements, as well as consequences for violation.

• Access their own files and use only their password.
• Work in assigned areas of the computer system, only.
• Demonstrate appropriate conduct that is related to instruction when using equipment and the computer system.
• Read and follow the Computer/Media Usage Agreement each year.

• Set up a print credit account with the school Teacher-Librarian in order to print at school. All students start with a $5.00 balance. 

• Use the library with respect. Uphold a quiet atmosphere since the library is used for study, to complete assignments, or to read.


• Possess an Oakridge Student Card in order to attend a dance.
• Enter the dance before 8:00 pm. No one will be admitted after this time.
• Attend school the day of the dance unless the absence can be explained by a parent or guardian.
• Complete a Guest Application Form for one guest and submit to the front office/student council by 2:15 PM two days prior to the dance. Oakridge students are responsible for the conduct of their guests. Guests must present a student card from their own secondary school. Guests must be attending secondary school. 
• Oakridge graduates are not supported to attend dances.
• Leave all belongings in the coat check area. Lockers are not accessible. Valuables are to be left at home.
• Remain in the building during the dance. If they leave, they will not be re-admitted.
• Comply with all Code of Conduct requirements while at a dance. Alcohol, vaping, and drug-related violations will result in a suspension and police investigation that may result in a charge and fine.

 Deleting or Changing Courses

• Attend all courses on the assigned timetable.
• Students wishing to delete/change a course must make a guidance appointment.
• Students are to continue in regular attendance in each course until a completed drop sheet is signed by a parent and/or supported by the Administration and returned to the guidance counsellor.
• Students in grades 9 and 10 will be scheduled in four courses each semester. Spares are not permitted until 24 credits have been successfully completed. Only in special cases will rare exceptions be made.


• Report to the designated detention area promptly at the beginning of lunch or when otherwise assigned by a staff member. Food, drinks and talking are not permitted.
• Inappropriate behaviour while in detention will result in additional consequences.
• Students must bring homework or a book to read.

 Dress Guidelines

• Follow TVDSB's Dress Guidelines

• Wear clothing free from language or graphics that are discriminatory, profane, and/or depict violence or illegal substances such as tobacco, drugs or alcohol.

• Wear footwear appropriate to the activity and environment.

 Emergency Drills

• Understand responsibilities during mandatory Fire, Severe Weather and Lockdown Drills.
• Always listen to teachers’ instructions during emergency drills.

 Examinations and Final Evaluations

• Attend each end-of-semester evaluation (Culminating Tasks and exams). The examination dates for the school year are set in advance and can be found by referring to the school calendar.
• Schedule vacations, family trips and other appointments at times other than the examination period. Failure to write a final examination will result in a mark of zero and possible loss of credit.
• Deferral from writing an examination will be given only for a valid medical or bereavement reason. A valid medical certificate must be produced.

 Fire Alarm

• Be diligent in reporting an unsafe situation or emergency.
• Signalling a false alarm of fire by pulling an alarm or other form of communication puts the entire community at risk and is a criminal offence. Fines and/or criminal charges will result.

 Field trips and Authorized School Functions

• Complete a signed permission form from a parent or guardian before the student may participate in a school sanctioned activity.
• Students are responsible for all work missed. Arrangements with teachers should be made well in advance of the activity.


• Remain in the assigned area of instruction for the entire class time. Students are excused from their class for washroom purposes on the permission of the teacher.
• Time in hallways is to be kept to an absolute minimum.
• Travel quietly through the hallways. Students are not to interrupt classes.

 Respectful Relationships and Connecting with Others

• Treat all people with mutual respect, dignity and worth. The learning environment is to be free of inappropriate behaviours as they relate to race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, record of offences, family status, and/or handicap.

 Health Room / Nurse’s Office

• Notify a teacher and/or report to the Attendance Office if a student becomes ill at school. Students may be admitted to the designated Health Room for a brief period of time or sent home under parent/guardian supervision. A Middlesex London Health Unit Nurse attends Oakridge once a week to support students. 

 Locks and Lockers

• Use only the one lock and locker assigned to them. Lock combinations are to be registered with the front office. Lockers are to be kept free of graffiti and damage.
• Display text, graphics or photos that are in good taste, do not promote illegal activity, and do not contravene any section of the Code of Conduct.
• Empty and clear their locker of pictures, posters, stickers and trash by the specified time.
• Understand that lockers are the property of the school and may be searched by Administration if there is reasonable cause to do so.


• Socialize in the cafeteria or atrium. Hallway traffic is not to be impeded.
• Keep the entrances to the school clear in order to promote safety as well as a positive school image.
• Leave the parking lot immediately.

• Never loiter in washrooms. 

 Music Players

• Use sound equipment and instruments, for educational purposes, in a responsible manner that is not a distraction. Sound equipment may be used in class at the discretion of the teacher.

 National Anthem and Announcements

• The national anthem begins at 8:15 AM. Students are expected to stand quietly and remove hats/hoodies during the playing of the National Anthem.
• Listen attentively to all announcements throughout the day. Check the Oakridge website for daily announcements.


• Use only the parking lot located to the South-West of the school. Parking in any other area is prohibited. Safe and lawful driving practices must be demonstrated.

• Arrive to school on-time or parking privileges will be revoked.

 Posters and Pamphlets

• Receive permission from the principal or vice-principal to distribute or post material on school property.

 Private Property

• Always stay off private property. Residential and commercial neighbours have made it clear their property is out-of-bounds.

• This code of conduct applies outside of school when you are representing the school as a student. Please behave respectfully when visiting local businesses during lunch, before, and after school. 

 Shop and Lab Safety

• Wear safety glasses, appropriate clothing and footwear while in the shop or laboratory work areas.
• Keep the work areas clean, return all equipment to assigned locations and follow safety guidelines.

 Signing In and Signing Out

• Report to the Main Office to leave the school during the school day. A call may be made to confirm your parent/guardian's support.
• Report to the Main Office when returning to school from an appointment to sign in and to receive an admit slip. Failure to sign out of school is considered an unexplained absence. Parents/guardians will receive a phone call home for any period their child has missed where a note or call was not received.
• Meet with an administrator if they are 18 years of age or older and they sign out repeatedly to attend appointments during class time. Provide a note of proof for repeated, acceptable absence.

 Smoking and Vaping

• Adhere to all provincial and federal legislation regarding smoking and vaping. Smoking, any tobacco product including chewing tobacco and electronic cigarettes (vapes) are not permitted on school property. All students are encouraged not to smoke. Use of any tobacco product or electronic cigarette on school property is illegal and may result in a charge over $300.

 Scent Aware Environment

• Avoid the use of products such as perfumes, colognes and deodorants that contain scents. Our goal would be to create a scent-free learning environment to ensure the safety of everyone.

 Spare Time and Study Periods

• Be in the cafeteria, library, or atrium during a spare period. Hallway wandering is not a productive use of time and violates the intent of the study period.

 Textbooks, Supplies, and Equipment

• Exercise caution with loaned materials from the school. Students are responsible for the textbooks, library books, supplies and equipment loaned to them and will need to pay for the loss or damage. Report cards, timetables, transcripts, and new textbooks will be issued only to students who have returned all books and other resources.

Contact Us

© 2023 , 1040 Oxford Street West, London . Tel. 519-452-2750, Fax 519-452-2769,   Superintendent: J. Bruce,  Trustees: B. Mai, S. Moore