
Oakridge Secondary School Registration Information

Oakridge Secondary Schools offers academic excellence, innovative programs, and excellent extracurricular activities. Understanding that each student is different; we strive to meet the needs of all students. 

We create a caring, equitable community that engages and develops globally competent students who demonstrate excellence in learning, achievement, and well-being.

 At this time, Oakridge is only accepting in-area registrations. Please use TVDSB's Find My Local School tool to determine your designated home schools and whether or not your primary residence falls in-area. 

 If you need assistance and/or guidance with the registration process, please contact Ms. Rhee through email or by telephone: or 519-452-2750 ext. 61681. If required, paper copies are available in Oakridge’s Main/Guidance Office. 

One World Welcoming Centre Registrations

Are you an International Student, an English Language Learner, a newcomer to Ontario or Canada, or a student who requires residency status documentation? Please click on the link below to learn about attending Thames Valley DSB secondary schools? Learn more about registering.

Contact Us

© 2023 , 1040 Oxford Street West, London . Tel. 519-452-2750, Fax 519-452-2769,   Superintendent: J. Bruce,  Trustees: B. Mai, S. Moore